Monday, September 26, 2011

Soup for Breakfast

This morning my son repeated this post title, but added a question mark to the end.  "Yes," was my answer, and so he ate the, albeit small,  bowl of homemade chicken soup with his no-milk-by-choice cereal.

Rethinking breakfast has been on my mind.  Waffles with syrup, juice, most cereals, and even fruit can be packed with good stuff, but are also full of sugar.  The crash that comes just as they are getting to school can be a knock out for kids.  I, however, was recently knocked out by Katie Kimball's post on making certain foods from scratch, and was especially won over by the information on chicken stock.  Check it out at
I've made my own chicken stock, and like Katie, try to work some in several times a week--including breakfast!
Check it out, and you, too, just may find yourself putting some soup next to those Fruit Loops.